What do you give a guy who has everything?
Couldn't stop laughing!
Definately a Birthday to Remember!
What do you give a guy who has everything?

Couldn't stop laughing!
Definately a Birthday to Remember!

I would dial the numbers
Just to listen to your breath
I would stand inside my hell
And hold the hand of death
You don't know how far I'd go
To ease this precious ache
You don't know how much I'd give
Or how much I can take...
[Asad Shaykh]
i want to dangle from life. precariously. like an adventure. i am tired of holding on so tight. would be nice to sway in the wind. on a line. on a hope. on a chance. i want to dangle. just a bit. one bit to hold on to. that's it.
March 9, 2006 04:23 PM