Better Late Than Never.
All of us went out to a movie tonight...
More than entertainment... it was rather a learning experience.
Watching an American movie in London!
... is completely different from watching an American movie in the USA!
Althought there were a ton of laughs, all the freshmen hated it.
The British thought it was just rude.
The French thought it was just ridiculous!
I, for one, thought it was simply hilarious...
The thing is...
Not that it was an adult movie, it just had adult-themed jokes.
The adults in the theater liked it a lot!
It's just the frail 18-year old freshers couldn't really *get* most of the jokes...
Let's wait until there college...
Oh! excuse me, their university experience is over! ;-)
On my way back...
Got lost with Julie (its prounounced Jhhuolee).
An adorable French Girl...
Were chased by complete drunks!
Then lost our way out of Euston Station...
Finally made our way back into the dorms!
Gotta wake-up early and be at the uni. at 9 am tomorrow and get bloody inducted!