Confessions of a Closet Gamer!
For people who have known me for ages; they know this already!
I am a gamer. I am a nerd. And I am bloody proud of it!
I spent a prime of my adolescence in games.
Computer games that is.
I thought that I was past that phase; but somewhere, somehow, someone rekindled an ancient and innocent affection that made me feel like a kid again. And then I realised how much I missed being that kid. That fat anti-social kid on the block who doesn't come out of this room because he loves being in a fantasy.
A fantasty of control.
A fantasy of entering and exiting challenging situations.
A fantasy of meeting and beating demons.
How trivial you say?
But then again, don't all of us wish that?
Don't all of us want control?
Don't all of us want to enter and exit challenging situations of life?
Don't all of us want to meet and beat our demons?
How true?
I lost the weight of that kid. But I never lost the mind.
Do something today that makes you feel like a kid.
It will make you feel good!
Btw, to pimp my game, World of Warcraft is the game that I am playing these days.
And its waaaaaaay coooooool duuuuude!