Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Can I Stomach It?

Abs vs. Guts
On the eve of my "Last Supper in UK" as I devoured the second-last piece of my lovely Nando's Peri-Peri Chicken, it dawned on me that I didn't care about my disappearing abs anymore. A year of being perfect was finally coming to an end.
Perfectly healthy.
Perfectly punctual.
Perfectly smiley.
Perfectly academic.
Perfectly beautiful.
Perfectly imperfect.
And it felt less like a year, and more like an era.
Don't get me wrong. London is lovely.
Perfectly lovely.
But sometimes, you don't need abs.
Instead, you need guts.
The guts to decide, change and evolve.
Besides, I think I need more guts than abs to survive in Pakistan!
And if guts are all that important...
Then, abs are just icing on the cake `innit?
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Religion & Bondage
Only the one who inflicts pain can give pleasure?
First of all;
A brigade of apologies for the extended absence. As aforementioned; I was busy being domestic. But thinking. Always. From a past experience which reflected upon my past life.
I understand that this post is going to bring with it a lot of flak, dismissal & commentary. Hence, I write.
As I said, I was thinking. How religion is, after all, a form of holy bondage. I'm not talking about a certain religion; but any religion. Before you initiate a fitwa on me, hear me out. First of all, have you tried it? If you haven't, then don't knock it till you try it. Maybe you will understand.
Bondage is not sex.
It's submission.
Total and utter submission of the senses to an entity you entrust solemnly and completely. Its almost like surrendering to control; surrendering to the powerful; surrendering to a demigod; surrendering to fate.
It is the absolute freedom of choosing a choice that binds you.
Binds you to rules, shackles and boundaries; within which you are promised to be happy, satisfied & content.
Wait a minute...
I thought we were talking about Bondage here.
According to a famous lady who can shackle me anytime she wants:
"Poor is a man whose pleasure depends on the permission... of another"
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
And the DISTINCTION goes to...

What is A Distinction?
Main Entry: dis·tinc·tion
Pronunciation: di-'sti[ng](k)-sh&n
Function: noun
Following are 5 definitions of "distinction", courtesy of Merriam Webster :
2 : the distinguishing of a difference
3 : something that distinguishes
4 : the quality or state of being distinguishable
5 a : the quality or state of being distinguished or worthy
b : special honor or recognition distinction> distinctions> c : an accomplishment that sets one apart distinction of being the oldest to win the title>
Is it about being... Different? Unique? Interesting? At least, I thought so. And hence, I thought all of us were distinct. In all our beautiful, lovely & whimsical ways!
Distinct & Distinctively Deserving Distinctions.
And I still believe that. But I believe in an order. The order which says that being distinct garners you a distinction and not the other way around.
Be bold. Be brave. Be distinct.
It just might save us from extinction.
Speaking of which;
I finally got my MBA Degree with Distinction.
And, yes;
I couldn't be happier!
I just couldn't...
( And now I feel like I just gave an Oscar speech that was 5-minutes-too-long! )
Thank You!
Thank YOU!
"Dil Chahay" by Sahill
I don't endorse songs an anymore...
but this was just too darn good.
This song helped me pack!
but this was just too darn good.
This song helped me pack!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I Am Moved
I Am Moved; Yet Again...
Oh how I never tire of moving!
Please don't laugh at the granny suitcases...
I had a brilliant Last-Night-In-London Experience.
It will show up in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way in an upcoming post!
Next post: From Oxford!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Scissor Sisters @ Trafalgur Square

Sister & Sisters
First of all; I was to apologise for my hiatus from my pride & glory;
My blog!
I was just so darn busy with family, that's all!
However; amongst spending all that quality time with my wonderful sister, I fished out some time to watch The Sisters in concert.
And they were amazing...
Not as much as my sister;
but still BLOODY amazing!
First of all, the show was opened by The Euro-Queen of Pop Kylie, which was an event in itself! The show was just fantastic. Old songs from their debut album mixed with some awesome tracks from their upcoming Ta-Dah!, the show was brilliant!
I think this is going to be a nice finale for my lovely London Heat!
Sister, Sisters & Summer!
I Do Feel Like Dancing!
Monday, September 11, 2006

3G without Technology
My Mum & Dad are coming over to London tomorrow. That's 3 Generations coming together after a long time. Hence, I will be taking a few days off from all Technology to be all domesticated, rural and tranquil.
I seriously doubt that its going to last long...
But I am a little excited to see my parents after almost a year!
Sorry for the lack of updates.
I am a busy domestic & a proud uncle at the moment!
My Mum & Dad are coming over to London tomorrow. That's 3 Generations coming together after a long time. Hence, I will be taking a few days off from all Technology to be all domesticated, rural and tranquil.
I seriously doubt that its going to last long...
But I am a little excited to see my parents after almost a year!
Sorry for the lack of updates.
I am a busy domestic & a proud uncle at the moment!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Call me Mona L.
As an avid reader of my blog, you must already know that my lovely camera-phone got stolen last week. Since then, there has been a shift in blog-flavour. I show less and say more. Please suffer with me till I gather the finances to get another. Donations will be accepted!
But that got me wondering. What if I did get everything I wanted. A better phone? A better profession? A better life? Would that make me a better person? I find all that scary...
Beauty is scary because of disease.
Money is scary because of corruption.
Fame is scary because of scandal.
This sketch, which I call Mona L. on Crack, got me thinking. Would Mona Lisa be like this if she were alive today. Famous, giddy & obviously devoured by celebrity?
She would have a lot of fans but no friends.
And having more fans than friends is a little scary.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Picture of A Picture

Picture of a Picture
Photo of a Photo
Person of A Person
Photo of a Photo
Person of A Person
Have you ever taken a Picture of a picture? Photo of a photo?
It is almost the same as its content but slightly different at the same time. The lighting, situation and focus make it a slight variant, yet its almost the same. Such is the case of Salman & I.
We met 6 months or so ago. Through friends. When I first met him, he was shit-ass worried and scared. Scared of getting his hair-wet in the London rain right before we were about to go out clubbing with common friends.
And I though;
Is this guy for real?
What I found out that he was. Not only real but also genuine, caring, best, loving, beautiful, sexy, crazy, loud and extremely self-centred.
In short, a fully certified betch!
And I love him for it...
We were. We are. Will always be.
Picture of a picture. Person of Person.
Different photos but the same image.
Go on and rock Manchester babes! :o)
Same Dance. Different Floor.

Floor vs. Ground
Everything in this photograph I made. I designed. I own.
The furniture, the lighting, and even the floor.
It's been a year that I stepped back on this floor.
I don't know if I am the same person any more.
It's easy to be the same person, on a different floor.
Can I be a different person, on the same floor?
I don't know.
I am tired of floors.
I need ground.
New ground.
To break it.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
My Childhood
Hide & Seek
You just never know what you may find in other people's Orkut albums. Friends, family, celebrities, art, porn, your ex, your ex's ex and even yourself! The latter of which can be traumatic as your friend would have probably chosen your most horrific photo and would have captioned it "BaaaSt FriEEAAnD".
But sometimes, you find something so disarming that it leaves you a little bewildered. I found a tiny close-up of my childhood in my friend Khurram's album. This beautifully taken photograph of a vibrant wildflower that grows in Islamabad. They grow in damp dingy corners. In those perfect places where I used to hide when I played Hide & Seek when was a young enough to play Hide & Seek. Not the Hide & Seek we play it with exes, lenders & dissertation supervisors; but the one we played when we were 10 and counted to 10.
Yes. I remember; Hiding in the bushes and finding these dainty little flowers scattered in grassy shrubs amongst which I used to hide. I always thought they looked like splatters of colour on the grass that mother nature left behind when she was painting herself. I guess that is how I remember my childhood as well. Splatters of beautiful colour that I left behind as I paint my life, hiding & seeking...
Let's just see how long it takes till I am found.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The Fifth Element?
I think I am getting in the habit of writing story inspired posts. Whether, its a movie, photograph, book or a song; It's art. And all art tells a story. We as human beings are none other than stories. Some being more interesting, famous or memorable than others. Still stories of love. Stories of life...
That brings me to another lovely story I observed in Luc Besson's The Fifth Element. First of all, I am an authentic "Luc-Fanboy". The art direction, as gorgeous as Milla Jovovich herself, provided by Jean Giraud (Moebius) and Jean-Claude Mézières. The costumes and music, as sexy as Mr. Willis himself, provided by none-other than the French designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, who also designed the now infamous Madonna Cone-Bra.
I observed some lovely thoughts in the film; First of all that Man has so many machines that produce death, but only man can produce life. Second, Man has so many mahcines that make hate, but needs a man to love. Of how supreme evil can only by conquered by true love.
Some remarkable thoughts on the Sci-fi front as well...
Of how man imagines evil only in a human form without even considering how meteors, which are the primary threat to the earth's existence, can also be a form of a higher level; and not merely astronomical hazards. I have tons of films which depict natural phenomenon as miracles of God, but never a movie which shows the supreme death that can be caused by a meteor; as a phenomenon of pure & supreme evil. Brilliant...
Makes me think of how evil can be external, higher & supreme.
Also, makes me think of how God can be natural, fragile & within.
But all that is my quasi-philosophical hoo-haw! How can you not like a movie where 2 people are kissing while the whole world is coming to an end. It's philosophical, melodramatic and oh-so-French!
According to Luc;
The Fifth Element
"There is no future without it"
And I agree...
If u are a Luc fan, something to look forward to.
Just for the Madonna voice-over alone!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Here & There in Russell Square

3 Pegs in A Square
Sometimes you just meet people, out of the blue.
Their sense of humor is ludicrous.
Their language is foul.
Their opinions are loud.
Their character;
Well, let's just say...
not much to talk about!
In short,
Somettimes you just meet people, out of the blue.
Who are, just like you!
I didn't meet one.
I met two!
Shahpar & Salman.
I mean, who else would frolick in the parkwith me on a Sunny Sunday afternoon. Well, I guess a lot of people would like that `eh...? ;o)
Would u help me scare off all those annoying little 3 year olds hogging the fountain before I make an entry? No?
These two would.
And I love them for it...
I guess all of us are just pegs in a square!
We don't fit...
We ARE fit!
X x X x X x X
The Holding Hands picture is called PSEUDO-HONEYMOON/
Saturday, September 02, 2006

Change is all I have.
I had been trying to collect some change to do a big load of laundry. Since I was being a big busy social whore, I just did not have the resource to do so.
No Change. No time. No laundry.
Funny thing happened to last night.
And it all changed in a split-second...
My social & financial accessibility was ripped for me.
That is...
My phone and my wallet got stolen.
At a cumulative loss of £3 and 400+ contacts spanning 3 continents.
And I was sad, but only for that split-second. Then I felt something weird. Almost an elation. It resembled emptiness but filled with satisfaction. Space! I felt space, after a long time. Living, breathing, thinking & loving space. Minimal and stripped, I opened up my mind's address book after a long long time; and suddenly I found out that the very few people who pop-up in your mind at moments like these, are really the ones who matter. And I found out that I still had quiet a few... in my heart and on my mind instead of on a computer chip. Between you and me, I'd rather keep them there.
I think I was just tired of carrying those 400 people around in my pocket all the time.
And they made my ass look big!
So here I am...
Writing on a Friday night.
Feeling a little changed?
Doing laundry & being happy...
I don't have any cash, but I have a lot of change.
And as they say,
Change is always good!

The poster is of a scene, precisely when I cried for the first time, out of happiness, in a film when I watched Crash. I don't know why? Maybe because I am human. Maybe because I am a race. Maybe because I will know better soon. Maybe tomorrow...
Memorable Quotes from Crash
"It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something."
"Oh, my God. What the hell is wrong with you people? Uh-uh! Don't talk to me unless you speak American!"
And the film ends with one my favourite songs of all time.
Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow
A lovely film.
The only film which is so expertly written that acting is always trying to catch-up in its excellence. I think the underlying reason for this brilliance of acting by everyone in the film is because everyone is acting out their race. Race is so intrinsic to me. To us. To the world. It divides on a primal level. More than ideas. More than boundries. More than gods. I have travelled so far and wide. Through races & spaces. But like I say, at the end of the day;
every1 is pink inside...
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