Picture of a Picture
Photo of a Photo
Person of A Person
Photo of a Photo
Person of A Person
Have you ever taken a Picture of a picture? Photo of a photo?
It is almost the same as its content but slightly different at the same time. The lighting, situation and focus make it a slight variant, yet its almost the same. Such is the case of Salman & I.
We met 6 months or so ago. Through friends. When I first met him, he was shit-ass worried and scared. Scared of getting his hair-wet in the London rain right before we were about to go out clubbing with common friends.
And I though;
Is this guy for real?
What I found out that he was. Not only real but also genuine, caring, best, loving, beautiful, sexy, crazy, loud and extremely self-centred.
In short, a fully certified betch!
And I love him for it...
We were. We are. Will always be.
Picture of a picture. Person of Person.
Different photos but the same image.
Go on and rock Manchester babes! :o)