Monday, January 30, 2006
I'm back...
When I Think Of You
Thanks everyone for caring while I was a little sick...
Last week was a hard week, but we all live, love and learn... ;-)
I'm back guys...!
The song is dedicated to everyone lovely in my life...
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
DSquared: Fall 2006
Hilarious: Photobooth

Speaking of Photos
This Jay Leno link is absolutely hilarious!
The things people do for free photos...
Click to play "Things People Do for Free Photos"
Absolutely hilarious... :-)
Mehru in London
Babes! Had an absolutey gorgeous time with you gorgeous! ;-)
Still have your specs lying besides me. Will hand them over when ur back in town tonite...
Now that you have been here babes, the city is complete! :-)
Monday, January 23, 2006
Things Can Only Get Better...

Life is hard sometimes.
I suddenly came face-to-face with a lot my responsiblities & irresponsiblities.
Suddenly, I have a different/finite outlook towards life now.
We all think that we are immortal, infinite and
Jean Paul Sartre said;
"Life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being eternal"
So, why lose the illusion?
Why not keep it?
If everything IS so temporary, why not enjoy each and every moment?
Why not enjoy now?
Right now?
After all,
D:Ream - "Things Can Only Get Better"
(Click to download)
Things Can Only Get Better
I sometimes lose myself in me
I lose track of time
And I can't see the woods for the trees
You set 'em alight, burning the bridges as you go
I'm too weak to fight you
I got my personal health to deal with
Show me prejudice and greed
And you show me how
I must learn to deal with this disease
I look at things now
In a different light than I did before
I found the cause
And I think that you could be my cure
And you say
Walk your path
Wear your shoes
Talk like that
I'll be an angel and
Things can only get better
Can only get better
Now I've found you...
I lose track of time
And I can't see the woods for the trees
You set 'em alight, burning the bridges as you go
I'm too weak to fight you
I got my personal health to deal with
Show me prejudice and greed
And you show me how
I must learn to deal with this disease
I look at things now
In a different light than I did before
I found the cause
And I think that you could be my cure
And you say
Walk your path
Wear your shoes
Talk like that
I'll be an angel and
Things can only get better
Can only get better
Now I've found you...
Friday, January 13, 2006
Creativity & Change

The "Single-Stephanie" Story
Had a wonderful "Creativity & Change" workshop at school a few days back. This picture is more proof of how much fun we had. I call it the "Single-Stephanie" story. The exercise was to do a doodle/sketch and pass it around 5 other people and make them add to it.
I could never imagine this would come about...
I just started of a sketch of a girl in the middle of the page. The rest just got added by other people! And the following story came about:
It's the story of a single girl named Stephanie. Single and dating.
She started dating a guy (on the right) and all of a sudden Stephanie found herself topless!
It was going well and they even had a baby (out of wedlock btw) as seen on the bottom left who lovingly called her Mummy!
To solidify the relationship, the guy proposed to Stephanie, however, it was to late as she said "No Way!" as she had already found out that he was having an affair with a skank shown on the left!!! Sadly, Stephanie said, "You Love Her!", filed for divorce and moved on.
But not all is lost...
Stephanie is now employed, single again, taking care of the baby and goes to work everyday with her Louis Vuitton bag (as shown in her left hand!).
Absolutely wonderful workshop!

The Wind-City Campaign
Guess who got awarded the Most Creative Person/Presentation of the workshop for their "Wind City" Campaign in which a Wind-park got integrated with an over-ground transportation system called Whirlwind installed a modern metropolis which was advertised through a campaign called Wins of Change utilizing celebrity-endorsment with each station named and dedicated to humanitarian/environment-friendly celebrities thus making the city a tourist attraction while keeping the land-prices high and the people happy?
Moui! :-)
Monday, January 09, 2006
CD Review: Something to warm-up Winter `06

CD for the Season
PCD by The Pussycat Dolls is just what you need.
Although Madonna's "Confessions" takes the cake as the best CD hands-down for 2005, PCD is another guilty-pleasure you can add to your list...
Unabashed, unadultrated, sweet-pop confectiont.
Best tracks:
1. Dontcha: If you haven't danced to this song, you haven't lived in `05
2. Buttons: Absolutely infection and sinful hook
3. Beep: Funky & fun
4. Wait a minute: Something Black Eyed Peas would do, but just as good!

My & My Dad

JCB Song
Beautiful. Sad. Lovely. Paternal & Glorious!
A tribute to all Dad's worlwide...
(And their driving skills!)
Click to play
Will make you laugh & cry at the same time...
The best Best Man: by Mehru

Girls have girlfriends who bring them chocolate when they don't need it, who make them smile when they cry, and who listen when its not needed. Once in a while you find a guy friend who does all that and does more...gives you the DEEPEST insight into how fucked the malebrain is.Fantastically, he's super male himself so his definitions don't apply to himself!
DISCLAIMER:Love You Mehru! :-)
This definition was correct at the time it was thought and penned and is applicable only to the person it is addressed to. For
other guy friends... there is the following message.
"Apni aa-daat ki description key liya apni best larki friend sey rabta
farmaiya. Agar woh bataney sey inkar karti hai, iss ka matlab hai key
app iss particular guy friend ki description sey woju nahi farma
saktey. Shukria".
- MY
Gang Bang 2006!
Club Review: Popstarz

Super Indie-Rock Night!
Got a chance to go this nice local club/venue right next to Kings X!
Thanks to Rafael to convince me to go! Too bad that by the time we did through the queue, our FREE-FLYERs were of not much use, but still was a super-place!
Definately recommended...
First time heard Outkast - Hey Ya in a London club! ;-)
Popstarz, definately recommended for a good night out.
No attitude. All fun.

Polka Dot Taxi
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Past Tense...
Friday, January 06, 2006
Club Review: Fiction

Polysexual Clubs?
Discovered a few new clubs lately, called polysexual clubs! As in these clubs are for all kinds of people who like all kinds of people (can't put in a more politically correct way). How interesting is that `eh? Went to The Cross, to their weekly night called Fiction. Great house music, super-glam environment, a snobby yet friendly crowd (maybe that's because everyone was on drugs!)
What else can a guy/girl/guy-guy/girl-girl/girl-guy ask for... :-)

Thursday, January 05, 2006
The Best Present...
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy Birthday 2 Me!
Happy Birthday to me...
It's my blog and i'll brag if i want to!
But seriously,
Thank You to each and everyone of you from all over...
US, Pakistan, India, EU, Australia and everywhere else!
Have never felt so much love on my birthday!
Thank You! :-)
It's my blog and i'll brag if i want to!
But seriously,
Thank You to each and everyone of you from all over...
US, Pakistan, India, EU, Australia and everywhere else!
Have never felt so much love on my birthday!
Thank You! :-)
NY 2006: A Date With London

An Abosolutely Fabulous Birthday!
Had a double-date for my NYE...
Tom & Mark with Me and London! :-)
Couldn't ask for any better birthday buddies...
All started by getting absolutely trashed in my room. The pictures are proof! Headed-off to the Strand to watch the fireworks but had to take an emergency detour for biological reasons! Being penny-pincher students, Mark & I shared the public toilet... Hehheheeh... Hilarious! Tom, let's just say, used self-reliant means to relieve himself!
The most of pissed piss of all time....
Got to the fireworks! Were absolutely the BEST IN THE WORLD. Period!
An amazing site with phenomenal build-up...
Champaigns, screams, fire and light!
Can anyone ask for a better birthday?!?!
Took yet ANOTHER detour on the way back...
Pissed around the Barrister's Chambers!
Can you get any more posh than that?!
But, wait...
We did!
Headed off into what we call OUR bar, which is the Bank Bar!
Can you say, it broke the bank!
But was so worth it...
Yet, still hungry...
Took another detour through Burger King!
Can you say, riches to rags!
But wait, doesn't end here...
Stumbled our way back to my room!
Popped the Birthday champaign... (the ever-so-exquisit TESCO brand)
Ate Burger King chips...
On the morning of the 1st,
Went out to see the parade! And then had a super-lunch at ZiZis... :-)
Topped off everything by the cake-cutting ceremony (once again, the cake was from TESCO)
As I said,
An absolutely fabulous birthday with the best of friends and best city, my city... LONDON!
I would like to thank Tom, Mark & TESCO for making this possible!
Love you!!!!! :-)
More pics:
To think, it all started with this bottle opener...

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