The "Single-Stephanie" Story
Had a wonderful "Creativity & Change" workshop at school a few days back. This picture is more proof of how much fun we had. I call it the "Single-Stephanie" story. The exercise was to do a doodle/sketch and pass it around 5 other people and make them add to it.
I could never imagine this would come about...
I just started of a sketch of a girl in the middle of the page. The rest just got added by other people! And the following story came about:
It's the story of a single girl named Stephanie. Single and dating.
She started dating a guy (on the right) and all of a sudden Stephanie found herself topless!
It was going well and they even had a baby (out of wedlock btw) as seen on the bottom left who lovingly called her Mummy!
To solidify the relationship, the guy proposed to Stephanie, however, it was to late as she said "No Way!" as she had already found out that he was having an affair with a skank shown on the left!!! Sadly, Stephanie said, "You Love Her!", filed for divorce and moved on.
But not all is lost...
Stephanie is now employed, single again, taking care of the baby and goes to work everyday with her Louis Vuitton bag (as shown in her left hand!).
Absolutely wonderful workshop!

The Wind-City Campaign
Guess who got awarded the Most Creative Person/Presentation of the workshop for their "Wind City" Campaign in which a Wind-park got integrated with an over-ground transportation system called Whirlwind installed a modern metropolis which was advertised through a campaign called Wins of Change utilizing celebrity-endorsment with each station named and dedicated to humanitarian/environment-friendly celebrities thus making the city a tourist attraction while keeping the land-prices high and the people happy?
Moui! :-)