An Abosolutely Fabulous Birthday!
Had a double-date for my NYE...
Tom & Mark with Me and London! :-)
Couldn't ask for any better birthday buddies...
All started by getting absolutely trashed in my room. The pictures are proof! Headed-off to the Strand to watch the fireworks but had to take an emergency detour for biological reasons! Being penny-pincher students, Mark & I shared the public toilet... Hehheheeh... Hilarious! Tom, let's just say, used self-reliant means to relieve himself!
The most of pissed piss of all time....
Got to the fireworks! Were absolutely the BEST IN THE WORLD. Period!
An amazing site with phenomenal build-up...
Champaigns, screams, fire and light!
Can anyone ask for a better birthday?!?!
Took yet ANOTHER detour on the way back...
Pissed around the Barrister's Chambers!
Can you get any more posh than that?!
But, wait...
We did!
Headed off into what we call OUR bar, which is the Bank Bar!
Can you say, it broke the bank!
But was so worth it...
Yet, still hungry...
Took another detour through Burger King!
Can you say, riches to rags!
But wait, doesn't end here...
Stumbled our way back to my room!
Popped the Birthday champaign... (the ever-so-exquisit TESCO brand)
Ate Burger King chips...
On the morning of the 1st,
Went out to see the parade! And then had a super-lunch at ZiZis... :-)
Topped off everything by the cake-cutting ceremony (once again, the cake was from TESCO)
As I said,
An absolutely fabulous birthday with the best of friends and best city, my city... LONDON!
I would like to thank Tom, Mark & TESCO for making this possible!
Love you!!!!! :-)
More pics:
To think, it all started with this bottle opener...