Wednesday, September 20, 2006

And the DISTINCTION goes to...

What is A Distinction?

Main Entry: dis·tinc·tion
Pronunciation: di-'sti[ng](k)-sh&n
Function: noun

Following are 5 definitions of "distinction", courtesy of Merriam Webster

1 a archaic : DIVISION b : CLASS 4
2 : the distinguishing of a difference
distinction as to race, sex, or religion>; also : the difference distinguished distinction between imply and infer>
3 : something that distinguishes
4 : the quality or state of being distinguishable
distinction of facial features in the twins>
5 a : the quality or state of being distinguished or worthy
b : special honor or recognition distinction> distinctions> c : an accomplishment that sets one apart distinction of being the oldest to win the title>

Is it about being... Different? Unique? Interesting? At least, I thought so. And hence, I thought all of us were distinct. In all our beautiful, lovely & whimsical ways!

Distinct & Distinctively Deserving Distinctions.

And I still believe that. But I believe in an order. The order which says that being distinct garners you a distinction and not the other way around.

Be bold. Be brave. Be distinct.
It just might save us from extinction.

Speaking of which;
I finally got my MBA Degree with Distinction.

And, yes;
I couldn't be happier!
I just couldn't...
( And now I feel like I just gave an Oscar speech that was 5-minutes-too-long! )

Thank You!
Thank YOU!

