Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Dissertation, China & The End.

The Dissertation Teaser: #2

Almost Done!

So close, yet so far!
I think I sorted out my dissertation-2-print woes...
I guess Kinko's is it then. They gave me a good quote; So, I'll probably go with them.
It is going to cost me an arm and a leg;
triple digit ££££ But, what to do?

As relegions says;
"Pursue Knowledge, even if you have to go to China!"

Trust me! Right now; going to China would be cheaper!
Either way, I heard that the university-office printer died! :o)
Good riddance I have to say...

Appropriately playing a song which automatically popped in my head as I was wrapping up. Nadia Ali of the band IIO, of "Rapture" fame, is quiet a stunner. Click to enjoy...