Christie Turligton in George Michael's "Freedom 90"
Finally, Freedom.
I think I have been waiting to write this post,
for almost 20 years...
From 1986 to 2006
My formal education ended today.
I handed in my dissertation.
From my first day at pre-school; which I remember,
to my MBA, a personal academic goal.
I cried the first day of school.
I cried the last.
Like David Fincher, my favourite director, refused to show George Michael's face in his proclamation that was "Freedom 90", I do the same. Freedom doesn't have a face, because feelings don't have faces. They are perfect, true & unqiue in their being. If freedom did have a perfect, true & unique face; it sure would be Christie Turlington's, one of the best faces in the world. Not to mention, one of the best feelings too.
Like David Fincher, my favourite director, refused to show George Michael's face in his proclamation that was "Freedom 90", I do the same. Freedom doesn't have a face, because feelings don't have faces. They are perfect, true & unqiue in their being. If freedom did have a perfect, true & unique face; it sure would be Christie Turlington's, one of the best faces in the world. Not to mention, one of the best feelings too.